Natural Fabric Softener- Eucalyptus Dives & Geranium 1000ml
1000 g
Our chemical free, plant powered gentle Softener is perfectly blended with just the right balance of four pure incredible essential oils to avoid triggering skin sensitivities. It is made with purified water and a vegetable oil based formula to soften fabric and provide anti static properties.
Contains four mood enhancing essential oils - Geranium 33.3%, Euchalyptus 16.67%, Basil.16.67% and Patchouli 33.33% -
Geranium - helps reduce feelings of stress and fatigue while enhancing concentration and cognitive function, as well as balancing emotions and hormones
Euchalyptus - brings its calming aroma to help you relax and clear your mind
Basil - helps promote a sense of focus and reduce
Patchouli - whose earthy aroma contributes to a grounded, balanced atmosphere